Charlemagne Stavanger

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I have recently launched my new site, focusing on all aspect of blogging. I spent quite a bit of time coding the design and skin for this site and there is still some parts of the design I am unsure of. So this is the time to get these issues off my mind and ask for some suggestions:

1. Just the overall design of the site with 800 pixel overall width and a side bar that's always there no matter what your resolution.

2. How is the triple color? Is the gray text to faint on the light blue background?

3. Having the navigation on a white background just didn't look right so I put it at the top least it should be visible.

4. The Blogcrowds logo is every where on the site to create a feeling of regular theme but over branding?

5. How did I come up with forum names that are all one word? Me in quirk mode?

6. Finally should I change the forum description in Blogware & CMS or should it stay the same? I think it should probably change.

Alright, that is all I can remember right now and if you find anything else we can improve please post here or in the feedback forum.

Thanks and Enjoy!

posted by Stavanger at 6:17 PM