Charlemagne Stavanger

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moral II

Once upon a time, there was a kng of a very small kingdom, however his army was by no means small even if it is comprised mostly of mercenary soldiers. The king often likes to inspect his army and ask any soldier he see three questions.

1. How old are you?
2. How long have you been in my army?
3. Are your parents alive and well?

Of course, most of the soldiers are mercenaries and does not understand the king at all, so, the general made all the soldiers memorize their three answers to the question.

One day during a parade the king walked up to a mercenary. This man memorized his answers very well. He knows them like he knows he one hundred and one most profane curses in his own tongue, so he was supremely confidant and not a bit nervous.

The king ask his soldier warmly, "how long have you been in my elite army?" The soldier didn't understand a tad of what the king said. He had no idea the king asked the second question instead of the first and answered "almost twenty eight years!"

His Royal Majesty was a bit puzzles and not only by the strange accent. He thought funny, this runt only look twenty something and he's in the army for twenty eight years? The king continued with the second question which is suppose to be his first "how old are you?" The soldier thought this is the question and answered "only six month!"

This time the king was mad, he used an extremely low voice and asked, "What? Only six month? What are you trying to say? You think I'm crazy like you?" The soldier thought this was the third question, asking if his parents are well and answered confidantly "Yes!"

posted by Stavanger at 5:21 PM


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