Charlemagne Stavanger

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Everyone has probably seen the Pringles commercials where a guy like me with Lays or some other brand of potatoe chips gets told by a little girl with Pringles. Its true, Lays come out of the bag broken and greasy while Pringles come out of the tube in perfect stacks, whole, and a lot more crunchy. Its just then, looking at the perfect stacks, a thought came to me. Unless Pringles have top secret conspiracy plant where they grow perfect tube potatoes they must waste a whole lot of potatoes. Anyone who has bought a sack of potatoes knows that taters comes in all sizes, shapes and mutations with werid bumps. SO to cut these oddball potatoes into the perfect Pringles chips they must thrw away a lot of scraps. And its not like you can melt potatoes together like chocolate or butter.

Well, just a thought, don't have anything against Pringles and this certainly won't stop me from eating Pringles just like P. Anderson won't persuade me to stop eating Kentuky Fried Chicken (she won't persuade me into anything) or the con woman into stopping me eating Wendy's Chili.

posted by Stavanger at 8:16 PM


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