Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday Traffic
Many web developer I have know all say monday is the peak of the week'straffic as people return to work after the weekend. However, my experience
says the contrary. I recently optimized my forum to be more
search engine friendly and I have to say the results are great, I'm getting
more and more visitors via Google. From the 1 guest constantly showing up at
my forum status display, I suspect Googlebot visits the forum quite a bit.
This upbeat traffic peaked over the Thanksgiving long weekend last week as I
added some content. Looking over the traffic reports, I thought "this is
Thanksgiving, most people wouldn't even be online right now, so monday
should be even better!" So Sunday night, I added a lot more useful content
and checked the traffic again Monday night. To my great surprise, the number
of visits to my forum remained constant, my pageview gone done, and there I
was expecting a huge jump. Even more surprising is that I only had 2 visiter
from Google while before almost half my visitor came from Google! That made
me look at my referers to my forum, it happens my Custom Template blog is
the leading contributor. So, this made conclude probably at the beginning of
the week, mondays, more people check news, read blogs etc. Over the weekend,
especially long weekend, people finally found time to tweak there blog (as
most of my Google traffic was from template fixes etc) change their layouts
I'm not sure if this is accurate but I'm waiting for next monday to try to
jump my traffic again, so wish me luck!
Labels: rambling, SEO, traffic, web development, website
posted by Stavanger at
6:04 PM
My biggest traffic day seems to be Thursdays. Maybe because its close enough to the weekend that people start goofing off work and surfing the net
Citizen_Stu, at 5:07 AM
Exactly what I do stu :D
Stavanger, at 12:18 PM
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