Charlemagne Stavanger

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Amazing Photos

Today I found some simply amazing photo on cybernetnews, I will post a couple here, to see the whole collection please visit cybernetnews.

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posted by Stavanger at 5:45 PM | 5 comments

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lightning Fast Browsing Trick For Internet Explorer And Firefox

Lightning Fast Browsing Trick For Internet Explorer And Firefox - video powered by Metacafe

Excellent video showing how you could be surfing the web faster!

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posted by Stavanger at 6:51 PM | 2 comments

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Underwater Hotel

If you are willing to spend $15,000-per-person, per-week reservation fee, you may very well be one of the few people in 2008 to take a vacation in the world's first large scale underwater hotel. Bruce Jones, a renowned submarine architect is planning Poseidon Mystery Island Resort by sinking many habitation tube in the island Fiji. Here are a few pictures of what's to come:

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posted by Stavanger at 5:41 PM | 3 comments

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


The internet opens up many opportunities for brilliant ideas and ventures.
Whoever thought you would find a friend via a cold electronic machine? or
Electronic sticky notes? The basic idea behind Threadless is members can
submit their t-shirt designs and after votes, ratings etc Threadless will
choose a dozen every month to print! There are prizes and other incentives
to submit a t-shirt design, however having people buying your t-shirts is
just way cool.

Threadless is actually the very first t-shirt design community, there are
many spinoff from this idea and not just t-shirts either; NakedAndAngry is a
tie design spinoff, but I fine tie patterns limiting compare to the
possibilty of t-shirt designs.

Anyways today I just submitted my third design to Fast Food Nation Loves
Threadless competition. Threadless has three or four additional competition
around a central theme in additional to the ongoing general competition.

The theme of Fast Food Nation Loves Threadless is "Where Are You On The Fast
Food Chain?", but I think this is extremely hard to express and the result
may not be suitable for a t-shirt. So, as you can see, I went with "Fast
Food Nation". What other nation in the world can claim the title other than
the United States? Show your patriotism! Now if only I have some extra
colors (Threadless only allows five) I will change the hamburger box into an
actually hamburger...

For Fast Food Nation I have another idea of French Fries spelling out the
words American Fries with maybe a French Fry who has French mustache running
away. The competition ends on the 15th, otherwise I surely would have submit
this design as well. These design requires so much detail and time (which is
the reason I only enter the Loves competition thus far so I don't have to
think up my own theme) anyone interested can submit the idea as long as they
send me a shirt if it goes to print...o wait, I'm not sure I would wear that

Here are some other awesome entries to Fast Food Nation Loves Threadless

Here are some awesome winning design which you can purchase

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posted by Stavanger at 5:02 PM | 4 comments

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

OSX Security Updates

How many time have you talked with a Mac Lover over the argument that Macs are totally hackpoof and far more secure than Windows? I have nothing against Macs, in fact I may get one when OSX Leopard is released, but people please open your eyes. A Mac may be more secure than a PC, but being totally hackproof, having no-exploits, worms etc, that totally another matter.

Over the last week, Apple release 31 security updates with several other security still left unaddressed. Like windows, if you search the web, you can find many Mac exploits. However the difference between these vulnerbilities and Windows flaws is that they are all patched and no longer remain a threat until now with the above security holes. And don't forget, with the introduction of Boot Camp and dual booting Windows-OSX, Macs inheritted all the virus that plagues Windows.

I guess in the end, it all comes down to how you would like to be infected with a virus?

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posted by Stavanger at 7:23 PM | 3 comments

NASA Moon Base!!

Yesterday, Stephen Hawking wanting to explore the last frontier; today, NASA announced it plan of permanent human habitation on the moon. NASA prosped the moon base mission will start in 2020 with the help of over a dozen countries and corporations and probably finished by 2024.

It isn't the first time a moon base is been comtemplated. In the 1950s, the moon was Pentagon's military outpost in space and "moon-based military power will be a strong deterrent to war..." Later in the 1970s with the oil crisis, the moon is sought after as the source of electricty for earth with solar panels the size of football fields. It would interesting to see how things turns out this time.

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posted by Stavanger at 7:07 PM | 6 comments

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hawking Still Keen To Visit The Final Fronier!

A few days ago, the renowned scientist Stephen Hawking expressed his fear that terra firma will ultimately be destroyed by nuclear war or some sort of asteroid

"The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single planet,"

-Stephen Hawking On BBC Radio

Hawking shows optimism in matter-antimatter annihilation as a way to settle on extraterrestial planets for that Hawking, wheelchair bound is still keen on visiting the final fronteir!

"My next goal is to go into space, maybe Richard Branson will help me."

-Stephen Hawking On BBC Radio

Well Prof. Hawking, if I were ever to build a spaceship or more precisely a starship, you would be my guest of honor.

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posted by Stavanger at 5:27 PM | 0 comments


Email brings the world closer, the second after you send your email, your recipient will receive it in their virtual mailbox. Now, is this true? I knew for a long time sometimes emails can take minutes if not hours to be delivered by Yahoo or MSN Hotmail, but something different occurred today.

Earlier this afternoon, I sent two email to myself. Don't ask me why I sent the first, but the second one was sent after I forgot to attach something to the first...Anyways, I logged in to my email again, to my surprise, my second email was there however the first which was sent 2 minutes earlier wasn't. I waited for ten minutes and poof! there first email. I have no explaination for this delay...

Here you can see are two emails to myself :-8. One is bigger than the other by 100 times because of the attachment

The first, smaller email on top was sent at 3:57PM

The second, larger email at the bottom was sent at 3:59PM

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posted by Stavanger at 4:36 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Futuristic Dates

With most book I read, the time is always set somewhere in the future and most of the time the precise dates given to the reader each chapter. When I finished Hammered by Elizabeth Bear, which is a pretty good cyberpunk by the way, it just occurred to me to check up if September 14, 2062 actually falls on a Thursday. So, I pulled out my calendar, and quite easily scrolled down to the year 2062 and sure enough, the 14th of September is a Thursday. I guess only amateur authors like me, if I were to right a book, would ever date their book Sunday February 31, 2106 :D.

Well next time I come to a book that takes place thousands of year in future and the author actually give me a date, I'll spend some time and do the math if my calendar doesn't go that far.


posted by Stavanger at 12:49 PM | 1 comments